
  • “Shared Capital is the gateway for a more successful cooperative sector.”

    Repa Mekha, Shared Capital Board Member and Executive Director, Nexus Community Partners

Invest in a Cooperative Economy

A Cooperative Economy is an economy built on justice, equity, and democracy. Shared Capital will soon be offering opportunities for individuals, cooperatives, impact investors, foundations, and others to invest in a just and cooperative economy by investing in Shared Capital. Investments provide capital to finance cooperative expansions, start-ups, and conversions for cooperatives that are making a positive impact for their members and their communities.

We have a 45-year track record of successfully financing cooperative expansions, start-ups, and conversions and stewarding investor dollars from cooperatives, individuals, impact investors, government, religious groups, businesses, and foundations.

Investment Options

This offering is currently closed (as of November 2).

Why Invest in Shared Capital

More and more people are turning to cooperatives as an economic alternative because of growing discontent with the flaws of the US economic system including systemic racism, economic inequities, lack of good jobs, and housing that is out of financial reach to too many.

Cooperatives can flip-the-script on who has economic power and who receives the benefits in our economy. Cooperatives are democratically owned by employees, customers, the community, or other key stakeholders. Cooperatives improve the lives of their members and their communities –creating quality jobs; safe, dignified, and affordable housing; access to healthy foods, and more.

By supporting the formation and expansion of cooperatives, Shared Capital helps communities build more just, inclusive, and equitable local economies. An investment in Shared Capital helps more cooperatives get access to the capital they need.

Shared Capital Cooperative has a successful 45-year track record of financing cooperatives. Shared Capital has provided over 850 loans to cooperatives totaling over $52 million.