
  • “The best thing about Shared Capital is that they come into the process with a desire to make things work.”

    Cornelius Blanding, Executive Director, Federation of Southern Cooperatives

Become a Member of Shared Capital

Join more than 300 cooperatives and 100 individuals in 35 states who are members of Shared Capital Cooperative. Members have voting rights and are eligible to borrow from and invest in the cooperative fund. Any cooperative or individual can be a member of Shared Capital Cooperative.

Cooperatives, entities operating on a cooperative basis, and groups intending to form a cooperative, can become members of Shared Capital Cooperative.

Members can nominate candidates to the Board of Directors and vote in annual Board elections and on key governance issues. Members can borrow from and invest in Shared Capital Cooperative. Each cooperative member has one vote. Individuals have a separate class of membership. Individual members nominate and elect one representative to the Board of Directors. On other governance matters, individual members collectively have one vote based on the majority vote of the group.

Membership requires a one-time purchase of equity shares. Member equity requirements for cooperative businesses are based on the co-op’s asset size, while membership for housing cooperatives is based on the number of housing units in the cooperatives. Individuals purchase $100 equity to become members.

Cooperative Businesses

Co-op’s Assets Up to $50,000 Up to $250,000 Up to $500,000 Up to $1 million Up to $5 million Up to $10 million Up to $25 million $25 million and over
Equity $150 $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000

Housing Cooperatives

Housing Low income & student*
Per unit $50 $25
Minimum $500 $250
Maximum $6,000 $3,000

*Housing co-ops qualifying as low-income housing under HUD guidelines or as student housing if more than 50% of residents are students.

Questions about Membership? Contact Adam at or 612.767.2115.