Be part of the the cooperative economy and Build Economic Democracy as a board member of Shared Capital Cooperative.
Nominations are now being accepted for the Shared Capital Cooperative Board of Directors. Nominations close at 5 pm Central Time on March 14th. The board election will be held virtually from March 28 to April 8.
For 2025, there are four board seats open, all for representatives of Shared Capital’s cooperative members (the individual member seat is not up for election this year). Three of the seats have three-year terms and one seat has a one-year term (the one-year term will be filled by the fourth highest vote getter). Candidates must be nominated by a cooperative member of Shared Capital. No more than two representatives from any member co-op may serve on the Shared Capital board at the same time.
Shared Capital seeks a diverse pool of candidates representing different backgrounds, experiences and geographic regions. Many different skills and expertise levels add value to our board, including knowledge and experience in cooperative governance, finance, lending, investing, law, marketing, member engagement, cooperative development and CDFIs. Most importantly we are looking for people who are committed to our mission and our work and are able to participate fully on the board and at least one committee.
Interested in running? Please review the candidate statement form and endorsement form on our website. There’s also a board job description to give a sense of the duties of board members. People interested in running for a cooperative seat on the board must be endorsed by a cooperative that is a member in good standing of Shared Capital by February 28th.
Shared Capital Cooperative is a CDFI loan fund that is committed to building economic democracy by investing in cooperative enterprises. Shared Capital is a cooperative association owned by over 330 cooperatives throughout the U.S. Members include worker-owned co-ops, housing co-ops, small farmer co-ops, purchasing co-ops and retail grocery co-ops. Shared Capital has an eleven-member Board of Directors elected by the members of Shared Capital. Ten of the seats represent Shared Capital’s cooperative members and one seat represents Shared Capital’s individual members. Members must be in good standing as of February 28 to vote in the election.
Have questions? Call or email Adam at 612-767-2115 and